Using our smart business energy switching software, your customers can switch their energy in less than 90 seconds. More importantly energy brokers and energy suppliers can use their time to add real value to their customers or spend time on higher using sites where the ‘real money’ is made. 90 seconds isn’t long, so we took a look at what else you can in 90 seconds…other than help your customer switch business energy contracts.
- Make a coffee
- Send / read an email
- Refine an ‘elevator pitch’
- Catch up on the news
- Scroll social media
In short, there’s not a lot you can do with 90 seconds, but you can help your customers renew or switch their energy contract. Ensure your customers avoid out of contract rates can save them significant amounts of money. The Tickd energy supplier and energy broker platform is fine tuned to make energy switching as quick and ‘dummy proof’ as it can possibly be.