We’re pleased that Ecotricity are using our energy switching software to help their B2B customers go green. Ecotricity posted the below blog about the launch of the new online quoting and contracting journey for small business customers that goes live on their website today https://smallbusinessquotes.ecotricity.co.uk/journey/supply-details
The new platform is really user friendly and will enable lower consuming, environmentally aware customers to seamlessly switch to a deep green energy supply with Ecotricity. With over 4.8 million SME customers across the UK, that’s got to be good news for the climate too.
“When cost remains such an important factor for small businesses in choosing their energy supplier, it’s great we’ve been able to partner with the team at Tickd to offer customers competitive prices within just a few clicks!” – Will Stratton, B2B Change & Transformation Ecotricity
Switching energy supplier shouldn’t cause a headache. Tickd allows SMEs to switch to Britain’s greenest energy company in just a few clicks.
‘We’re delighted to work with Ecotricity to help digitalise their SME quoting and contracting process. It’s great to see forward thinking energy suppliers embrace the changing behaviour of business owners, allowing them to quote and contract online in a matter of seconds.” – Richard Price, Managing Director Tickd