We are often heard banging the drum that the processes involved in small business energy switching are not fit for purpose and that small businesses have been left in limbo by the energy industry.
Too many structural problems make small business energy switching too complicated and therefore too manual. The result being small businesses overpaying for their energy in order to cover the manual costs of the processes involved. Tickd’s mission is to solve these problems. 2023 saw steps towards this goal but here is what we’d like to see in 2024.
- Continued change in small business customer behaviour – Accepting that the energy switching process should be less ‘hands on’ and more digital.
- More energy suppliers and energy brokers focusing their resources on higher using customers that make them money
- More energy suppliers systems allowing API integrations to reduce the manual interactions (Our promise is that we will API integrate with any energy supplier that has an API without any cost).
- More energy brokers / consultants adopting digital switching journeys.
- Continued convergence in the energy market between small business energy customers and domestic energy customers (regulatory, behaviourally and their expectations).
- Small business energy customers to become less and less economical for traditional sales methods.
- Tickd expect to increase our white label partners by 3 times and increase the number of switches going through our platform by 4 times.
We’re on a journey to being one of the biggest facilitators of small business energy switches in the UK. 2023 saw huge increases in switches and adoption of our energy software. We accept that digital switching still isn’t the ‘norm’ for small business energy customers.
With the changing regulatory landscape, changing customer behaviour, more energy brokers, energy consultants and energy suppliers embracing a more digitilised small business energy switching journey, will 2024 be the year that the inevitable tidal wave of digitilisation hits small business energy market?