
A look back on 2023

The day after our Christmas party feels like a good time to take a breath and reflect on 2023. It has been a year of high growth, achievements and relief that all the work that we believed we were doing during the Energy Crisis (and originally lockdown) is paying off.

Here are some of the highlights of the year:

  • New website launch
  • Record numbers of switches on our energy switching software platform (blowing 2022’s numbers out of the water)
  • Sponsorship of Energy Live Consultancy Conference 2023
  • Tickd MD, Richard Price, was voted onto the committee of the Energy Consultancy Association.
  • Launch of Tickd platform 2.0 and first white labels on it
  • Our first client hospitality event (with a 6-1 win for Aston Villa against Brighton).
  • 3 new energy suppliers onboarded to our platform
  • A change of investment structure
  • Two new staff members

We believe the platform we are building will become the biggest facilitator of SME energy switches in the UK. This year has shown all the signs that this is a realistic but ambitious target. A year ago it may have felt like a pipe dream!

Bring on 2024! You’ll be seeing a lot more from us!

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